Smatch Static Analysis Tool
Smatch is a static analysis tool to detect potential issues, such as conditions that will always (or never) be true, null pointers, and locks that end up in different states depending on which path is taken through the code.
Coccinelle, a Static Analysis Tool
Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine which provides the language SmPL (Semantic Patch Language) for specifying desired matches and transformations in C code.
NeoMutt: setup and usage
Mutt and NeoMutt are highly configurable and flexible command line email clients that allow and make it easy to read emails from the terminal by using plain text email instead of dealing with html format. -
Debug Linux Kernel Panics
In the Linux kernel, errors are usually divided into hard panics, such as Kernel panics, and soft panic, such as Oops. It’s important to analyze their dumps and understand the information reported.
Setup Linux Kernel Debugging with QEMU and GDB
Debugging the Linux kernel is the bedrock of any activity on the kernel, from learning newbies to expert contributors activities. There are many ways to debug a kernel. This post explains how to debug with GDB on a Qemu operating system instance.